The sudden demise of actor Visweswara Rao has sent shockwaves through the film industry and among his fans. The actor breathed his last on Tuesday at the age of 64 after battling cancer. Visweswara Rao was widely known for his roles in both movies and serials, particularly for his portrayal of supporting and comedic characters.
One of his notable performances was as actress Laila’s father in the film “Pitamagan,” starring actor Surya.
Visweswara Rao’s body is currently kept at his residence in Sirusheri, where members of the public and his friends from the film industry can pay their last respects before his scheduled cremation today.
Visweswara Rao’s Career
Having started his acting career as a child star at the age of six, Visweswara Rao appeared in over 150 films during his childhood. Throughout his lifetime, he acted in more than 350 films, showcasing his talent as a comic character and supporting actor in both Tamil and Telugu cinema. His contribution to the entertainment industry will be remembered fondly by his colleagues and fans alike.