Tamil actor Suriya reportedly encountered an injury on the sets of the upcoming film “Kanguva.” Directed by Siruthai Siva, the incident occurred during the final leg of filming at a grand set in a film city in Chennai. The mishap, involving a loose rope camera, led to an injury to Suriya’s shoulder, temporarily halting the shoot.
The Incident
During the shoot of “Kanguva,” a rope camera reportedly got loose and fell on actor Suriya’s shoulder. Although the injury is said not to be serious, it has interrupted the filming process. Fortunately, the incident did not result in a more severe injury, considering the potential impact on the actor’s head.
14 years ago, #Suriya suffered a major shoulder injury during the filming of #Adhavan. Having a shoulder accident again. There is no actor in India who takes risks like this 🥺
You Deserve Biggest Hit Anna 🙏🥹🥹
Intha Vatti Correct Ah adikum 🌡️🔥
#Kanguva 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/Bnd1N4dZPJ
— Antony JTC (@antonyjtc1) November 23, 2023
Medical Update and Shoot Delay
While the specific details of the injury are not disclosed, reports suggest that Suriya’s shoulder isn’t majorly injured, and he has been advised two weeks of bed rest by doctors. The actor and the film’s team have not released a formal statement regarding the accident. The shooting, originally scheduled to conclude by the end of the month, will face delays due to this unforeseen incident.
Fan Reactions and Well-Wishes to Suriya
News of Suriya’s injury has circulated among fans, who have expressed concern and shared well-wishes for the actor’s speedy recovery. The actor, known for his dedicated fan base, has received an outpouring of support as fans hope for his quick return to the sets.
The unexpected camera mishap on the sets of “Kanguva” has temporarily disrupted the filming process and resulted in an injury to actor Suriya’s shoulder. The incident highlights the inherent risks associated with film production, even on well-managed sets. As fans rally behind the actor, awaiting updates on his recovery, the incident serves as a reminder of the challenges involved in the filmmaking process.
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