Renowned composer AR Rahman and actor-choreographer Prabhudheva are poised to collaborate on a film, marking their reunion after a hiatus of 24 years. The duo previously worked together on successful films like Kadalan and Minsara Kanavu. Director Manoj NS, discussing their reunion, expressed excitement, stating, “We wanted to make a film that gives happiness to the audience.”
😀👍#arrpd6 @behindwoods @PDdancing #ManojNS @iYogiBabu @AjuVarghesee #ArjunAshokan
— A.R.Rahman (@arrahman) March 22, 2024
He emphasized their enthusiasm for the project, saying, “When I reached out to them, they were both thrilled about teaming up again and kicked about the film’s idea.” Additionally, Malayalam actors Aju Varghese and Ajun Ashokan, along with Tamil comedian Yogi Babu, will feature in the cast.