News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

YouTube Music Introduces Play Counts and AI Playlist Art

Photo Credit : Google

San Francisco: Google-owned YouTube has added play counts for every song in its Music app and broadened the availability of the generative AI creator for playlist art.

Users will now see the play count for every track when they browse an album or public playlist generated by YouTube Music.

It’s right next to the artist name and song length in the Android and iOS apps, reports 9to5Google.

Previously, this information was provided in “Song details” at the bottom of the Now Playing Related tab. Moreover, another YouTube Music feature seeing a wider rollout this week is the AI-driven playlist artwork creator.

Users can customize their playlist covers with a range of themes offered by this feature.

A circular pencil icon that allows users to customize the theme appears in the bottom-right corner of the cover when they view one of their playlists.

This can involve fantasy, food and beverages, travel, nature, animals, and colors. After selecting a theme, users can alter one to three elements of it.

Once the theme has been chosen, click “Create” to start creating a series of AI images.

At the end, there will be a ‘More’ option to access the seven options offered by YouTube Music. The report explained that users could then choose it and click “save” to make it the playlist art.

Meanwhile, YouTube has announced a new comment moderation setting, “Pause”, allowing creators and moderators to prevent viewers from creating new comments while keeping existing comments on videos.

Users can find the Pause option in the video-level comment settings in the upper right-hand corner of the comments panel on either the watch page in the app or in YouTube Studio.

Read More

YouTube’s new ‘Pause’ feature lets you prevent new comments on videos


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