Bengaluru: In an incident, the Madiwal police in the city apprehended two individuals on charges of harassing a young woman (36) by tailing her car. The arrests were made following a complaint lodged by a woman hailing from Begur, and efforts are underway to trace a third suspect involved in the alleged harassment. The detained individuals, Jagannath (24), and Tejas (25), are currently in police custody and undergoing interrogation.
Police said the incident transpired when the victim, a woman employed at St. John’s Hospital, was returning to her residence in Begur on Sunday night. As she drove her car near Koramangala, she noticed three individuals on a scooter trailing closely behind her vehicle. Sensing trouble, the woman dialled emergency services 112 and reported the unsettling situation, maintaining her composure as she continued to be followed until reaching Madiwala. A case registered and an investigation is underway.
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