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Monday, June 24 2024
Home & Gardening

Cutting money on remodelling your apartment is possible

House Remodelling
Photo Credit : Unsplash

If you just purchased your first apartment, you most likely know that renovating it to match your preferences and personality will cost money – there’s no way around spending some. Whether you choose to revamp only part of your new home or the entire place, expenses add up when buying materials and paying contractors.

Home renovation is usually pricey, regardless of how extensive the project is, and you can quickly go over your budget, especially if you’re not careful. Multiple little things add up during the process, and you might find out that your small revamp project is actually more complex than what you initially bargained for. 

However, if you plan carefully, you can save dollars and remodel the house to match your needs. 

Be honest with your wants and needs

How lovely would it be if you could renovate your house exactly how you desire without dealing with any limitations? You could install hardwood floors in all rooms, order custom kitchen cabinets, and install a tub in the bathroom. But you have to keep your needs and wants realistic so you don’t go overboard with the expenses. 

Decide what is realistic for your first home. You may want natural stone countertops but can’t afford to install them. Your budget decides what you can and can’t do, but that doesn’t mean you cannot build your dream house. You only have to clearly delimit the wants from needs and focus on the last category in the process. 

Planning ahead helps you keep the process as smooth as possible

You might think that you don’t want much regarding house renovations, but without a solid plan, you risk transforming the entire endeavour into something that drains you of energy and money. Therefore, before adding any product to your cart or calling a contractor, create a plan and make sure you stick to it, regardless of how many new ideas come up on the way. You’ll be tempted to change your mind midway through the renovation – don’t do it!

Make sure to reach out to a contractor ahead of time because it’s unrealistic to think that a professional is available right at the moment you call them. If you’re flexible with your schedule, you have more chances to work with the contractor you want. 

Avoid structural changes

Structural changes tend to be the most expensive parts of a remodelling process, especially because they require inspections and permits. Have a look at your house and work with the existing layout. You can definitely make it work for your needs with some minor changes. Suppose you swap the old kitchen furniture for new cheap kitchen units that match the design style you prefer, which can significantly impact the house’s overall vibe. Besides installing new kitchen cabinets, you can also play with the light fixtures, decorations and wall paintings to improve the house’s look. 

DIY as much of the renovations as possible

Depending on what you want to change, you can take the DIY route to save money or use the resources for something else. But do it only if you have the necessary skills and knowledge because if you don’t, you’ll end up spending more than you initially planned. This isn’t the time to do things for the first time. 

Devote some of your time to learning how to complete small projects around the house, and be patient because doing things on your own might take longer than hiring an expert. Suppose you decide to execute the work yourself, it’s still a good idea to hire a designer to provide you with recommendations, at least during the initial stages. They are experts who can help you make the most out of your apartment and ensure you achieve the vision for your dream home. Even if it might seem like an expense you didn’t plan to make, it’ll save you money in the long run. 

Buy supplies yourself

If you’re collaborating with a contractor to help you renovate your apartment, you could save some cash if you source and buy all supplies by yourself. The contractor might prefer buying from a particular store and most likely won’t compare quotes to get you the best price. But you want to make sure you save as much money as possible, so won’t mind spending some time on comparing the offers from different stores and check out the discounts. 

Reuse if possible

Before placing an order, check the things around the house and decide if you can reuse some of the materials and furniture items. You can revamp, repair, and even upgrade some of them and save some cash. Unless they are structurally falling apart, you can repair them and even change their entire appearance to match the new house aesthetic. For example, if your kitchen cabinets aren’t damaged beyond repair, you can replace only the doors or repaint them to get a new look. 

Renovate during the off-peak season

You might already know that there most homeowners prefer to renovate when the weather is warm. And as expected, hiring contractors and buying supplies will be more expensive during the peak season, due to the high demand. The peak season usually starts during spring and lasts until late autumn. So, you could plan your renovations during the winter to get a better price. 

Winter is the time of the year when contractors have plenty of available time and are willing to negotiate a lower rate. Some retailers also have discounts during the winter so that you can purchase appliances and materials at lower prices

Bottom line

You can manage the costs associated with home renovations if you plan ahead and are flexible with the project’s time. Even if you cannot copy a look 100%, you will still be happy with the result. All the above recommendations will save you a penny or two, so don’t neglect to put them into practice. 

Image: Unsplash 

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