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5 Important Tips to Select India’s Best Inverter Company

inverters for home
Photo Credit : By Author

Choosing an inverter may seem like a child’s play but its’s only when one actually ventures out to buy one that they realize how daunting the entire task is. All thanks to the countless number of inverter brands available in the market that have made inverter buying even more confusing. In a scenario like this, one must simply keep a few important things in mind such as the brand’s reputation, customer base, quality of products and customer service. Continuing the discussion forward, here are a few tips you must keep in mind when looking for the best inverter companies in India.

1. Make sure the company is known for manufacturing high-quality products.

Go for a well-established brand that has the reputation of offering high-quality innovative products known for their superior performance, revolutionary designs, and longer lifespans. Luminous India, for instance, is one such brand that is known for offering the best-in-class products. In fact, recently one of their newly launched inverter series ‘the Icon’ received the Golden Star Awards and Product of the Year 2022 in the inverter category and innovative product design categories.

2.  Make sure the company is known for its excellent customer service.

The after-sales support that a company offers is an important point to consider when looking for a home inverter UPS. It’s a good way to gauge how much a company cares for its customers. That’s because in the event of a breakdown or any other issue, you wouldn’t want to be running around. Also, you would expect the company to offer a quick resolution. Luminous India, with its huge customer base of 70 million-plus satisfied customers is one such brand that people trust when it comes to choosing a company based on their after-sales track record.

3. Make sure the company offers a wide range of home inverters and batteries.

The more the options available to the customers, the easier it gets to select a product that fits one’s exact requirements. For example, no matter whether want to buy a basic inverter for running fans, tube-lights, and bulbs, or you want to buy a heavy duty inverter that can run heavy loads such as microwaves, geysers, and air conditioners, brands like Luminous India offer a wide range of inverters and batteries to choose from.

4.  Make sure the company has a sizeable customer base.

A well-established brand is not just one that has been in the business for a substantial number of years but one that has also grown in terms of its customer base. Luminous India, as we mentioned earlier has grown to a size of 70 million plus satisfied customers. The number is big in itself considering the fact that the company has achieved this feat in a relatively short span of 30 years.

5.  Make sure the company offers generous warranty on its products.

Warranty is another important factor to consider when looking for a home inverter. It gives you peace of mind that no matter what goes wrong with your inverter, you can rest assured that the company is there to take care of it. Usually, the warranty on inverter is around 24 months on electronic parts. In Lithium – Ion inverter battery combos, the warranty may be as high as 5 years.

Last Word

These were some of the factors you should consider when looking for one of the best inverter companies in India. And by now, you would have guessed that we suggest buying from a brand like Luminous India. So, please do check their product portfolio and compare them with inverter combos of different brands to make a better informed decision.

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