News Karnataka
Saturday, June 29 2024

Tragic Incident: Two Brothers Die of Suffocation in Kepu Well

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A devastating incident unfolded in Kepu on Tuesday, resulting in the untimely deaths of KM Ibrahim, aged 38, and his younger brother Mahammad Ali, aged 24. The sequence of events, as reported in a complaint lodged by Sulaiman, sheds light on the harrowing circumstances leading to the tragedy.

Ibrahim, a labourer engaged in the installation of well rings, was working alongside three others—Mahammed Ali, Abdul Rahim, and Sayyad—at Venkat Rao’s well in Kepu. Tragedy struck in the afternoon while they were clearing silt from the well, as Ali descended into the well with a rope and tragically succumbed to suffocation.

In a desperate attempt to rescue his brother, Ibrahim bravely entered the well, only to meet the same fate as Ali. As both brothers fell unconscious, members of the public rushed to their aid, pulling them out of the well and swiftly transporting them to Vittal Government Hospital via ambulance. Despite efforts by medical personnel, the doctors tragically declared them deceased.

The Vittal police station has since registered a case, initiating an investigation into the circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking incident. The loss of Ibrahim and Mahammad Ali has sent shockwaves through the community, underscoring the importance of stringent safety measures in hazardous work environments to prevent such tragedies in the future.


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