Mandya: In a distressing incident, a group of stray dogs attacked and killed an elderly man while he was sleeping on a footpath in Karnataka’s Mandya district. The incident occurred at Besagarahalli near Mandya city late on Monday night, and the victim’s identity remains unknown.
Tragic Incident Unfolds
The man had apparently been sleeping outside a local bar after consuming alcohol. In the dead of night, a pack of stray dogs descended upon him, launching a brutal attack that proved fatal.
Regrettably, there were no witnesses around to hear his cries for help, and the victim was unable to defend himself from the relentless attack.
Investigation Underway
Authorities are treating this tragic incident seriously, and the Besagarahalli police have initiated an investigation. Preliminary findings suggest that the unidentified victim may have hailed from another location. As part of the ongoing investigation, the police are gathering information to establish the man’s identity.