News Karnataka
Saturday, June 29 2024
Chamraj Nagar

Private School Teacher Arrested Under POCSO

Photo Credit : News Karnataka

Chamarajanagar: A teacher at a prestigious residential high school in Yalandur taluk was arrested for sexually assaulting a 17-year-old tribal boy who was studying for his SSLC exams. The incident occurred on the night of the April 5, just before the boy’s English exam on April 6.

The teacher, who is gay, allegedly sexually assaulted the boy after making him to drink and smoke. The boy reported the incident to the parents who then lodged a complaint with the District Collector, leading to the teacher’s arrest.

This incident, which should have resulted in an immediate FIR being filed, was delayed until pressure was brought to the attention of the Deputy Commissioner and ADC. A similar case in 2000 involved a teacher injuring himself to avoid police complaints, leading to the case being dropped. The Odanadi organization highlighted the challenges faced by abused children in speaking up and the impact on their education.

The teacher was arrested under the POCSO Act following the complaint, and investigations are ongoing into possible past cases of abuse by the teacher. The boy received counselling, and efforts are being made to address the issue of abuse in the school.

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