Shivamogga: Former Minister KS Eshwarappa filed his nomination as an independent candidate for the Shivamogga Lok Sabha seat on Friday. He submitted his nomination papers to the District Election Officer and Deputy Commissioner, Gurudatta Hegde. His wife, Jayalaxmi, former minister Goolihatti Shekhar, former corporator Vishwas, and others were present.
Eshwarappa arrived at the Deputy Commissioner’s office with his supporters in a rally and submitted his nomination papers. Interestingly, this was the second time on the same day he filed the nomination. Earlier, his close aide and former corporator Vishwas filed the nomination on behalf of Eshwarappa.
As a demonstration of his strength, the former minister took out a massive procession with his supporters. Before that, he performed a special pooja at Kote Anjaneya Swami temple.
The leader, upset following his son KE Kantesh missing the BJP ticket for Haveri-Gadag segment, he announced that he would contest as an independent against former CM BS Yediyurappa’s son BY Raghavendra.
Eshwarappa blamed Yediyurappa for his son missing the BJP ticket and alleged that the BJP is under Yediyurappa and his sons’ control. He vowed to free the party from their influence, stating that he is contesting as an independent to break Yediyurappa’s hold on the party and to support Hindutva.