According to an official from the Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB), the Karnataka board PUC II results will not be released this week as the work is still in progress. The board conducted the Pre-University Certificate (PUC 2) exams from March 1 to 22, and the results are anticipated to be announced in April. Over 6.9 lakh students appeared for the PUC 2 exams, and their results will be accessible on and
Last year, the Class 12 exams were conducted from March 9 to March 29, with the results declared on April 21. In 2022, the Karnataka 2nd PUC exams were held from April 16 to May 4, and the result was released on June 18. Among the 6.9 lakh students registered for the PUC 2 exams this year, approximately 3.3 lakh are boys and 3.6 lakh are girls. The exams were conducted across 1,124 examination centers.
This year, KSEAB administered three annual examinations (Exams 1, 2, and 3) for second PUC students, aiming to eliminate the need for supplementary exams. Last year, the overall pass percentage was 74.67%, with 5,24,209 students passing out of 7,02,067 who appeared for the exam. Notably, 2,704 students achieved a perfect score of 100/100 in Mathematics, 5,335 in Computer Science, and 3,475 in Accountancy. Additionally, 1,09,509 students secured distinction (85% and above), while 77,371 students obtained a third or pass class (below 50%).