Karnataka’s Industries Minister MB Patil has voiced criticism against his Kerala counterpart, P Rajeeve, for encouraging Bengaluru-based IT companies to invest in Kerala. Patil stated that such efforts undermine the federal structure of the country and reflect poorly on healthy competition among states.
Patil’s remarks came in response to reports of Kerala’s Industries department reaching out to top-tier technology companies in Bengaluru, offering various incentives, including access to ample water resources.
While acknowledging Kerala’s efforts to attract investments, Patil emphasized the need for states to adopt a cooperative approach rather than exploiting the challenges faced by other states. He highlighted Karnataka’s industry-friendly ecosystem and proactive policies that have propelled it to a leading position in IT and export revenues nationwide.
Patil also questioned Kerala’s claims of abundant water resources, pointing out the need to assess the state’s water infrastructure, including the availability of dams and overall water availability. He reassured Bengaluru industries of the government’s efforts to address water scarcity issues through dedicated water supply systems.
Additionally, Patil emphasized Karnataka’s commitment to facilitating industrial growth, including exploring options for Cauvery water supply to industrial areas in Bengaluru.
The remarks underscore the tensions between Karnataka and Kerala over efforts to attract investments amidst concerns over water scarcity, despite the two states being partners in the INDI alliance.