Yadgir: A tragic incident unfolded in Babala village within Karnataka’s Yadgir district, where a five-month-old girl met her demise at the hands of her step-mother. The step-mother’s heinous act involved giving the infant milk contaminated with pesticide. This heart-wrenching event took place on August 30 and was disclosed by local authorities on a subsequent Friday.
The background of this distressing situation reveals that Siddappa, who had no children with his first wife Sridevi, entered into a marriage with Devamma, resulting in them becoming parents to four children together. However, complications arose when Sridevi gave birth to a girl named Sangeetha. Fearing that Sangeetha might stake a claim in the family’s inheritance, Devamma made the horrifying decision to end the infant’s life by administering milk tainted with pesticide.
The Vadagera police have taken Devamma into custody, holding her accountable for this tragic incident.