Bidar: In a disturbing incident, a young woman was driven to attempt suicide after being harassed by eve teasers and stalkers.
The victim, who works in Basavakalyan but resides in a nearby village, was repeatedly harassed by a group of eveteasers. According to sources, they stalked her and pressured her for her mobile number. When she refused, the miscreants forcibly took her to her village in an auto-rickshaw and falsely accused her of associating with youths from another religion in front of the villagers.
The harassment and false accusation took a heavy toll on the young woman’s mental well-being. On April 19, when she was alone at home, she set herself on fire. Locals who noticed the fire immediately extinguished it and rushed her to a private hospital in Basavakalyan. Due to her worsening condition, she was then transferred to the government hospital in Bidar.