News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Fatal Accident in Kirimanjeshwar: One Dead, Five Injured

New Project 2024 04 29t183520.406
Photo Credit : Google

During the early hours of April 28, a tragic accident occurred in Kirimanjeshwar, claiming the life of one person and leaving five others injured. The accident involved a Bolero jeep, which collided with the road divider.

The deceased has been identified as Ramanna, while the injured include the driver, Niranjan, as well as Prajwal, Kavya, Reshma, and Shivakka. The group was returning to Udupi from Badami after attending a wedding when the accident occurred.

The collision with the road divider resulted in significant injuries to the occupants of the vehicle, with Ramanna losing his life in the accident. The injured individuals were rushed to nearby medical facilities for treatment. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of safe driving practices and caution on the roads, particularly during late-night travel.

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