Tragedy struck near Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management as a young student lost his life in a fatal road accident on Monday evening. Identified as Savyo Mahesh, aged 21, he was riding a two-wheeler with Pranam Shetty as his pillion rider when the incident occurred. Reports from the police indicate that the accident happened as the duo attempted to execute a U-turn near the college premises. It was at this juncture that their vehicle was struck by an Audi car traveling from Bantwal towards Mangaluru.
The collision proved fatal for Savyo, resulting in his untimely demise. Meanwhile, Pranam Shetty, the pillion rider, sustained injuries and is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital in the area. The Mangaluru South traffic police have initiated an investigation into the matter, registering a case to ascertain the circumstances leading to the tragic accident.
This unfortunate incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and adherence to traffic regulations. The loss of a young life underscores the need for heightened awareness and vigilance while navigating the roads, emphasizing the collective responsibility of both drivers and pedestrians to ensure the safety of all road users.