On Monday, March 25, Manipal police apprehended six individuals for their involvement in assaulting an engineering student on Saturday night, March 23. The incident occurred when the assailants trespassed into the apartment where the victim resided in Manipal.
Arrested Individuals:
The Udupi police identified the arrested suspects as Rishith Hegde (20) from Alevoor, Gagan Ganesh (20) from Ulthoor, Kanishk Hegde (20) from Bailoor in Karkala, Vidith Shetty (19) from Udupi, Ankith Shetty (20) from Ambalapady, and a 17-year-old minor.
Assault Details:
The victim, identified as Arush Kumar, a third-year computer science student at an engineering college in Manipal, was assaulted by the accused in a lounge bar on Saturday night over a minor issue. Later, they pursued him to his apartment in Ishwar Nagara, where the assault continued.
Police Investigation:
Police reviewed footage from a CCTV camera installed at the apartment, which captured the six assailants attacking the student on the verandah. With inputs from the victim and the CCTV footage, the police apprehended the suspects.
The accused fled the scene when other occupants of the apartment intervened to rescue Mr. Kumar.
Legal Action:
The police registered a case against the accused under Sections 143, 147, 448, 323, 504, 506 read with 149 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for their involvement in the assault.