Mangaluru: The recent protest outside Dakshina Kannada MP Nalin Kumar Katerel’s home led to the involvement of the Urwa police team on Thursday, the 8th of February 2024, and did not stop even after the team, led by Inspector Bharti, did all they can to calm then down.
The protest, led by the National Students Union of India (NSUI) continued their siege on the minister’s home, pulling down barricades and shouting slogans against the BJP outside his home.
This was mainly a reaction against the central government’s recent failure to come up with grants for the district.
NSUI district president Suhan Alva explained the reason for the protest, stating that Kateel’s taking charge as the local MP has only led to a blow in all the developmental works here in Dakshina Kannada.
Youth have no employment opportunities, despite the number of educational institutions in the state. The central government does not provide the due share of the state, denying what it owes for the taxes that it pays. And despite all this, the local MP here seems to be silent, which is just not helping the case.
Following the incident, the police later took the entire team of protestors into custody
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