News Karnataka
Monday, July 01 2024

Price Drop of Eggs in Mangaluru and Udupi Amidst Intensifying Summer Heat

New Project 2024 05 02t134527.431
Photo Credit : Google

As the summer heat escalates, the cost of eggs in Mangaluru and Udupi has witnessed a decline. Previously priced around Rs 6.50, eggs are now available for Rs 5.50 each. Certain vendors, grappling with surplus stocks, are offering 10 eggs for Rs 52.

Wholesale rates have also plummeted, ranging between Rs 4.80 to 4.90, compared to Rs 5.20 just a few days ago.

This drop in prices is primarily attributed to the challenge of preserving eggs amidst the blistering summer temperatures. Moreover, with Anganwadi play schools closed for summer holidays, a significant consumer of eggs, the demand has decreased noticeably. Additionally, there is a prevailing belief among the populace that eggs contribute to internal heat during summer, further dampening consumption.

Traders foresee a potential increase in prices once the onset of summer rains brings relief and cools the region.

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