News Karnataka
Monday, July 01 2024

Flight Disruptions Due to Heavy Rainfall in Dubai and Neighboring Countries

New Project 2024 04 18t134444.188
Photo Credit : File photo

In the wake of intense rainfall and adverse weather conditions affecting Dubai and neighboring Middle Eastern countries over the past 48 hours, several flights between Mangaluru International Airport and Dubai, as well as other destinations, have been disrupted.

Wednesday’s Cancellations and Delays:

On Wednesday, four flights between Mangaluru International Airport and Dubai were canceled, alongside a flight from Tiruchirapalli to Mangaluru. Additionally, a flight from Mangaluru to Jeddah faced delays. All canceled flights were operated by Air India Express.

The canceled flights included:

  • Flight 814 from Dubai to Mangaluru
  • Flight 813 from Mangaluru to Dubai
  • Flight 384 from Dubai to Mangaluru
  • Flight 383 from Mangaluru to Dubai

Furthermore, Air India Express flight 797 from Mangaluru to Jeddah remained delayed.

Thursday’s Disruptions:

The disruptions continued into Thursday, with Air India Express flight 814 from Dubai to Mangaluru being canceled for the day. Additionally, on Thursday, flight 796 from Jeddah to Mangaluru and flight 1498 from Mangaluru to Tiruchirapalli are expected to face delays.

Impact of Heavy Rainfall in Dubai:

The heavy rainfall, which began from the midnight of April 15th, resulted in significant waterlogging across Dubai, disrupting regular activities and air travel. Reports indicate that a record 100 mm of rainfall occurred within just 12 hours on Tuesday, exacerbating the situation further.

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