As the Lok Sabha election campaign in the Dakshina Kannada constituency approached its conclusion on Wednesday evening, both the BJP and Congress intensified their efforts to sway voters despite the oppressive hot and humid weather. Congress candidate R Padmaraj Poojary led a spirited roadshow from Padil to Adyar on the final day, drawing significant participation from party workers and leaders.
On the other hand, BJP candidate Capt Brijesh Chowta paid homage to the late George Fernandes, former defence minister, in Bejai, whom he regarded as his source of inspiration. Emphasizing Fernandes’ impact during his participation in the Republic Day parade as an NCC cadet, Chowta received additional support from prominent BJP figures like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, state BJP president BY Vijayendra, and Tamil Nadu state president K Annamalai, who campaigned alongside him during a roadshow in Mangaluru.
While the BJP focused on highlighting the achievements of the Modi government and emphasizing Hindutva ideologies, the Congress based its campaign on the success of state government guarantees and criticized the alleged lack of development under BJP MPs in the past three decades. Despite Chowta’s strong educational and military background, the Congress’ strategic use of community identity, particularly the Billava card, suggests a closely contested fight in the constituency.
Udupi Chikmagalur Lok Sabha Constituency: Candidates Outline Visions
In the Udupi Chikmagalur Lok Sabha constituency, Congress candidate K Jayaprakash Hegde emphasized his individual merits rather than relying on the reputation of other leaders while addressing the public in Kundapur. He pledged to bring forth developmental projects to foster growth in the area, highlighting its untapped potential.
Contrastingly, BJP candidate Kota Shrinivas Poojari expressed confidence in garnering public support for the vision of an empowered India during his campaign in Udupi. Stressing the importance of BJP’s stance on national security, Poojari outlined the party’s commitment to eradicating terrorism and juxtaposed India’s economic situation under Congress rule.