On April 24, the Congress party organized a notable road show stretching from Mangaluru Pumpwell to Kannur, featuring a gathering of prominent figures from the party. Among those in attendance were Congress candidate Padmaraj R Poojary, KPCC (Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee) president Manjunath Bhandary, DCC (District Congress Committee) president Harish Kumar, and AICC (All India Congress Committee) member Ivan D’Souza.
Also present were local leaders such as corporator Shashidhar Hegde, Ashraf, Keshava Maroli, Navin D’Souza, as well as Vishwas Das, the president of the backward class group, and U T Farzan, among others.
During the roadshow, Padmaraj R Poojary, the Congress candidate, took the opportunity to visit two significant religious sites along the route. He paid respects at the Kankanady Brahmabaidarkala Garodi and also visited the Adyar Kannur Sheikh Yousuf Siddik Darga Sharif, demonstrating a gesture of inclusivity and respect for religious diversity within the community.
The presence of such a diverse array of leaders and the inclusion of visits to religious sites likely aimed to garner support from various segments of the population and underscored the party’s commitment to representing and respecting the interests of all constituents.