In the Dakshina Kannada Lok Sabha constituency, a total of 203 voters, encompassing individuals aged 85 and above and those with disabilities, encountered obstacles in exercising their right to vote from home. Among these, 66 individuals unfortunately passed away before the commencement of home polling, while 136 missed the opportunity due to absence during two visits by Election officers.
Moreover, an additional setback was encountered when one voter declined to cast their vote during the visit by election officers and personnel.
In Dakshina Kannada district overall, 8,010 individuals, comprising 6,053 voters aged 85 and above and 1,957 differently-abled persons, were granted the convenience of voting from their residences. The voting process spanned from April 15 to 17. Despite efforts to facilitate home voting, only 7,807 voters participated, resulting in a turnout of 97.47%.
This data highlights both the efforts made to ensure inclusivity in the electoral process and the challenges encountered, including logistical issues and unfortunate circumstances leading to missed opportunities for some voters.