MANGALURU: The First Additional District Sessions Judge HS Mallikarjuna Swamy handed down life imprisonment to four individuals in connection with the killing of Rajesh Kotian, also known as Raja, aged 44. The convicted individuals include Mohammed Asif (also known as Achi), 23, Mohammed Suhail (also known as Suhail), 20, Abdul Muthalif (also known as Muthu), 20, and Abdul Asweer (also known as Acchu), 19.
According to Public Prosecutor Judith OM Crasta, the court ruled that the four accused would serve life imprisonment under IPC section 302 and were each fined Rs 25,000. Additionally, for the offence outlined in IPC section 201, each accused will face one year of simple imprisonment along with a fine of Rs 5,000. For violations of IPC Section 143, they will serve six months of simple imprisonment, and for offences under IPC Sections 148 and 153(a), they will each serve one year of simple imprisonment. Of the total fine, Rs 1.20 lakh will be awarded to the victim’s wife, Savita, and the District Legal Services Authority has been directed to provide further compensation to her.
The incident occurred amidst communal tensions between Hindus and Muslims in Mogaveerapatana, within the jurisdiction of the Ullal police station. Rajesh Kotian was walking alone on Kotepura road towards a fishing spot when he was brutally attacked by assailants on April 4, 2016. His assailants smashed his face with a stone and assaulted him with a wooden log. The accused had plotted to target an individual from the opposing community. Two other individuals involved will be presented before the Juvenile Justice Board due to their age.
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