News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Turtles Reduce as Developments Increase at the Devbagh Beach

Turtles Reduce as Developments Increase at the Devbagh Beach
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Development is good but not to the extent of destroying things around that are a part of nature, not when it is our beaches, and especially not beaches that are home to living creatures like turtles. But sadly, this is the case in Karwar, where the Devbagh beach is almost a thing of the past today. 

In other words, the beach is now eroded all thanks to construction and various other developments that have been happening in the place, developments that have erased about five acres of what was once the shore. 

Breakwaters, a jetty and a seawall sure have made the place more beautiful, but this is at the cost of the beautiful turtles that once inhabited the place. In addition to that, the forest department also came forward to plant casuarina trees that have done more harm than good in the place, shrinking the shore as they began to take up its space. 

Beach lovers can no longer walk on the 50 to 60 meters of sand that was once there and turtles can no longer lay the eggs which they would once lay. Give it a few more years, and one can no longer find the Olive Ridley turtles that were once all over the place. 

These turtles will soon find alternative sites to hatch and lay their eggs, now that they sense that they are no longer cared for in what is actually their birth site, as the beach can no longer provide them with the right quantity of sand, the right slope and the right potholes for them to lay their eggs, all thanks to the casuarina trees with their horizontal roots. 

We know it is something serious when forest officials come forward to state that the number of turtle nests, which stood at 28 last year, have come down to a mere three in this year. 

Read Also:

Viral Video: Turbo Turtle Shocks Internet with Lightning Speed

DRI rescues 955 baby gangetic turtles, arrests 6


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