News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Revitalization Plans Unveiled for Historic Rani Mane in Gudnapur, Banavasi

Rani Mane in Gudnapur
Photo Credit : Google

Karwar: The rich historical legacy of Rani Mane in Gudnapur, Banavasi, is set to undergo a transformative makeover, with  DC Gangubai Manakar spearheading efforts to revitalize the site and elevate it into a prominent tourist destination.

During a visit to Banavasi on Wednesday,  DC  Gangubai Manakar underscored the significance of preserving the cultural heritage embodied by Rani Mane. Situated amidst picturesque surroundings, Rani Mane holds a storied past, serving as the erstwhile abode of the Kadamba dynasty’s Maharajas and their families during the spring season. The present-day ruins stand as silent witnesses to the grandeur of the queen’s house, embodying a tangible link to bygone eras.

In a bid to showcase this historical gem to the public, DC Gangubai Manakar issued directives to the officials of the Oriental Heritage Conservation Department to embark on a comprehensive development project for Rani Mane.

The restoration efforts will prioritize the meticulous repair of the ancient enclosure walls surrounding the site, ensuring that the process is conducted with utmost sensitivity to preserve the integrity of the Rani House remains. Furthermore, the removal of tree bells within the enclosure and the prompt cleanup of the area are slated to facilitate unhindered public access to the site.

District Collector Gangubai Manakar emphasized the importance of providing visitors with insights into the rich history of Rani Mane. Accordingly, plans include the installation of detailed information boards at the entrance, elucidating the site’s historical significance and contextualizing its relevance within the broader narrative of the region’s cultural heritage. Additionally, measures will be taken to safeguard the stone inscriptions adorning the site, while essential infrastructure enhancements will be implemented to enhance the overall visitor experience.

Speaking on the occasion, MLA Shivram Hebbar underscored the need to leverage local talent and promote indigenous art forms during the upcoming Kadambotsava festival, thereby fostering community participation and enriching the cultural fabric of the region. Accompanied by Additional  DC  Prakash Rajput, Deputy Sub-Divisional Officer Aparna Ramesh, Tehsildar Sridhar, and officials from the archaeological  Conservation Department, DC Gangubai Manakar’s visit marks a pivotal step towards rejuvenating Rani Mana and preserving its legacy for generations to come.

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