Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has come to the defense of his son, Yathindra, following remarks made targeting Union Home Minister Amit Shah. The BJP has lodged a complaint with the Election Commission, condemning the statement as a personal attack on Shah.
Siddaramaiah clarified that his son’s statement was based on information presented by the CBI in court and was not intended as an insult to Amit Shah. Yathindra allegedly referred to Shah as a “goonda” and made accusations regarding his past involvement in a murder case in Gujarat.
In response to allegations from the BJP about Yathindra’s upbringing, Siddaramaiah retorted that the BJP lacked cultural sensibility. He dismissed BJP’s claims of winning 400 seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, suggesting it was a strategic move due to their projected tally being less than 200.
When asked about Congress’s national seat target, Siddaramaiah stated he was not aware of any specific numbers but expressed confidence in the party’s performance in Karnataka, anticipating victory in up to 20 out of the state’s 28 parliamentary constituencies.