In a significant development, the Centre has assured the Supreme Court of India that funds earmarked for dealing with Karnataka’s drought will be released promptly. The Attorney General (AG) of India, R Venkataramani, representing the Centre, conveyed this assurance to the SC bench led by Justice B R Gavai, along with Justice Sandeep Mehta.
During the hearing, AG Venkataramani informed the bench that the Election Commission had granted clearance for the release of funds to address Karnataka’s drought situation. He emphasized that the disbursement would be carried out swiftly, stating, “It will be done expeditiously.” He further suggested that the matter could be revisited before the following Monday.
Responding to the AG’s submission, Senior Advocate Kapil Sabil, representing the Karnataka government, expressed confidence in the Centre’s commitment and raised no objections to the proposed timeline. He indicated that the Karnataka government was amenable to the suggested timeframe.
The backdrop of this assurance lies in the plea filed by the Karnataka government before the Supreme Court, urging the Centre to release funds amounting to Rs 35,162 crore for drought relief. The state highlighted the dire humanitarian crisis and severe calamity it is currently facing due to drought conditions.
The Supreme Court, hearing the case, observed the importance of amicable resolution in matters concerning the federal structure. The court’s intervention in response to Karnataka’s plea signifies a potential breakthrough in addressing the state’s pressing drought relief needs.