News Karnataka
Saturday, June 29 2024

No difference of opinion within party: KPCC Chief DKShi

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Bengaluru: From the time Congress leader D K Shivakumar came into the race of becoming the president of the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC), there has been a rift within the Karnataka Congress, claimed many. However, this claim has been refuted by many Congress leaders and the KPCC Chief himself.

Addressing the media on Monday, March 16 DKShi said, “After the former KPCC president Dinesh Gundu Rao tendered his resignation, observers from the party had visited the state and gathered opinion. Around 99 percent of the party workers and leaders including M B Patil had suggested my name for the post.”

He said that without any reason, rumours were floated that the Congress house stood divided over this choice and media only fanned the fire.

“Let me be very clear that there is no competition and difference of opinion. I am of the opinion that when the right time comes, all these confusions should be cleared and hence today I have met M B Patil at his residence and had a talk with him,” he said adding that the main aim of each and every Congress leader is to strengthen the party at the grassroots level.

It can be recalled that reports that emerged earlier claimed that CLP leader Siddaramaiah and team had met the party high command demanding that the KPCC Chief’s post must be given to senior Congress leader M B Patil.

On the other hand, DKShi too had relentlessly made attempts to meet AICC president Sonia Gandhi and parliamentarian and former AICC president Rahul Gandhi to discuss the issue of appointment of KPCC Chief.

The meetings had failed as he could not meet both. After putting this appointment on hold for several months, finally, the AICC appointed DK Shivakumar as the KPCC president.

No difference of opinion within party: KPCC Chief DKShi
No difference of opinion within party: KPCC Chief DKShi

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