Tragedy struck in Bengaluru as a 45-year-old man lost his life on Tuesday night after being stabbed to death for advising two youths against consuming alcohol. The incident, which occurred in Ramachandrapura, led to the arrest of the accused individuals, marking the initiation of a police investigation.
The victim, identified as Venkatesh and a resident of Ramachandrapura, encountered the accused, Pavan (24) and Nanda (21), both residents of the same locality, around 10:30 pm. Venkatesh, while on his late evening walk towards the Ramachandrapura playground, noticed Pavan and Nanda drinking alcohol near the waterfield tank. Concerned, he advised them against alcohol consumption.
Despite being neighbors with Pavan, Venkatesh’s well-intentioned advice led to a confrontation. The situation escalated even after Venkatesh returned home, with Pavan persisting in the argument and ultimately resorting to physical violence. In a fit of rage, Pavan retrieved a knife from his house and fatally stabbed Venkatesh.
Upon discovering the grievously injured Venkatesh, locals rushed him to a nearby hospital, where he succumbed to his wounds. The police promptly apprehended Pavan and Nanda, subsequently placing them under arrest on charges of murder.
Providing insight into the backgrounds of the accused, a police officer from the Vidyaranyapura police station revealed, “Pavan, a B.Com dropout, is unemployed, and Nanda is employed at an office.” This tragic incident serves as a grim reminder of the consequences that can ensue from minor disagreements escalating into violence within communities.