Bengaluru: According to the Health Department, Karnataka recorded a significant decline in Covid-19 cases on Monday November 1, with 188 new cases and two deaths, bringing the caseload and death toll to 29,88,521 and 38,084, respectively.
As per the report, for the first time in several months, Bengaluru urban reported new cases below 100 with no fatalities.
The day’s positive rate was 0.25 per cent, while the case fatality rate was 1.06 per cent.
73,924 samples were tested in the State, including 64,418 RT-PCR tests, bringing the total number of specimens examined to 5.09 crore.
On the same day, 318 patients were discharged, bringing the overall number of recoveries to 29,41,896. According to a department bulletin, the number of active cases was 8,512.