A women’s forum known as AVLGI is making strides in alleviating hunger through its initiative called Thrupthi, which offers free meals to the needy at selected darshini outlets in Bengaluru. Launched approximately a year ago, Thrupthi operates at Mulbagal Dosa Vasavi Food Point in Malleswaram, S L V Coffee Corner in Shastri Nagar, Kaapi Thindi in Banashankari 2nd Stage, and recently added Hotel Murthy Mess in Chikkaballapur, located 66 km from Bengaluru.
The initiative allows customers of these outlets to purchase food tokens for strangers, which are then pinned on a board. Individuals who cannot afford a meal can claim these tokens without facing any questions, whether for dine-in or takeaway. There are no restrictions on the number of tokens one can claim, and they can be redeemed any day. The board, prominently displayed next to the cash counter, bears messages like ‘Uchita Aahara’ in Kannada and ‘Free food’ in English, ensuring visibility to passersby.
Thrupthi was conceived by Kavitha Eragam, the founder and international president of AVLGI, a forum aimed at fostering self-development among women. Inspired by a similar initiative observed abroad during the Covid crisis, Kavitha and her husband decided to implement it in Bengaluru.
Emphasizing the importance of maintaining recipients’ dignity, Kavitha underscores that restaurants are instructed not to question individuals availing the tokens in any manner. She emphasizes that recipients’ circumstances or preferences, whether they opt for one token or several, dine in or take away, are irrelevant. Additionally, restaurants are discouraged from photographing individuals claiming tokens to prevent potential embarrassment.
The response to Thrupthi has been heartening, with heartwarming instances such as a struggling couple returning to sponsor food tokens after benefiting from the initiative themselves. Cashiers educate curious customers about the initiative, and some AVLGI members contribute tokens on special occasions. Kavitha aims to expand Thrupthi to 100 outlets, highlighting its dual impact of addressing hunger while boosting business for participating restaurants.