News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Drying Bhutnal Lake Raises Water Concerns in Vijayapura

Drying Bhutnal Lake Raises Concerns Over Drinking Water Shortage in Vijayapura
Photo Credit : File photo

Vijayapura: The city of Vijayapura seems to be grappling with a looming drinking water crisis with the recent monsoon’s failure to provide any relief after its scorching summer, thus drying up the Bhutnal lake, which is the major source of drinking water to residents in that place. 

Authorities now scramble for solutions as residents have begun to raise concerns on the existing water problems from the now dried up lake, which has till now been the city’s lifeline, providing essential drinking water. 

Now, all that once can see is the sorry state of a once-vibrant lake that now lies desolate, forcing residents to look for alternative water sources like the Kolhara, which serves as the backwaters of the Almatti Reservoir, which also seem to be seeing diminishing water levels further adding to the challenges in the city’s water supply. 

Five wards that earlier depended on the Bhutnal lake for its drinking water have now begun to voice their concerns to the government authorities and the district’s administration, urging them to come up with some swift action in view of the growing water crisis.

Shivrudra Bagalkota, a member of the  Vijayapura  municipal  council highlights how the Vijayapura lake, which has been of historical significance is now the cause of water woes, all thanks to the current water supply infrastructure. This calls for some unified efforts on the part of the authorities, transcending all political affiliations.

Echoing these concerns, Satish Patil, a local resident, emphasized the urgent need for proactive measures to mitigate the impact of the drying Bhutnal  Lake on the city’s water supply. Patil underscored the importance of releasing water from the Almatti Reservoir to replenish Bhutnal Lake, urging authorities to prioritize the well-being of Vijayapura’s residents.

Amidst mounting pressure and apprehension, residents await decisive action from authorities to address the looming water crisis and ensure access to safe and reliable drinking water for all residents of Vijayapura.

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