According to an official, the Election Commission has chosen to equip every car used for voting in West Bengal with a GPS location tracking system. He stated today that a message in this regard has been forwarded to the poll workers.
“The GPS tracking system will be used to monitor the movement of EVMs and other polling materials from the distribution/dispersion centre and receipt centre (DCRC) to the polling station on the day before the elections, and to ensure that no tampering occurs while bringing them to the strong room after polling,” said the official.
The poll body has asked the administration to take prompt action if any discrepancy is noticed, besides questioning the drivers of the vehicles concerned and the staff in-charge of the EVMs, he said.
Meanwhile, the commission today appointed Joint Secretary in the School Education Department, Arnab Chatterjee as the Joint Chief Electoral Officer.
Mr Chatterjee succeeds Rahul Nath, an official order said.
The seven-phase Lok Sabha elections in the state will commence on April 19.
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