Uttar Pradesh: In Gorakhpur district, a woman lost her life while bravely attempting to rescue her 10-year-old son from a group of assailants. The assailants not only killed the woman but also subjected her father-in-law to severe beatings, resulting in critical injuries. Although local authorities have initiated an investigation, no arrests have been made at this time.
The confrontation stemmed from a seemingly innocuous act – the grandson playing a song on a mobile device in the house of a man named Ramji, where he lived with his daughter-in-law, Kusum, and their 10-year-old grandson. Mukesh, a local tenant, took offense to this and violently confronted the child. The situation escalated when Mukesh, accompanied by associates, began strangling the child. In a desperate attempt to save her son, Kusum intervened, becoming the target of the assailants’ anger. Ramji rushed to the scene, only to face brutal violence himself.
The assailants inflicted severe injuries on Kusum and Ramji, rendering them unconscious. Upon learning of the altercation, Ramji’s son-in-law, Dharmendra, promptly arrived and rushed the critically injured victims to the hospital. Tragically, Kusum succumbed to her injuries, and Ramji’s condition worsened, leading to his referral to another medical facility.
Dharmendra reported the incident to the police, identifying the assailants as Rambuj, Akash, Pushpa Devi, Pawan, and Mukesh. Authorities have pledged swift action, emphasizing their commitment to apprehending the accused and delivering justice for the victims. The grief-stricken family is grappling with the profound loss.
In another unsettling incident last month, ex-village head Shiv Charan Lodhi, 60, was brutally murdered as unidentified assailants entered his home, attacking him with an axe while he slept in Lakhanpura, Budaun district, Uttar Pradesh. The police, led by Inspector Dharmendra Singh, are actively investigating, exploring the possibility of a village dispute. The ongoing inquiry aims to uncover the motives behind this heinous crime.
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