News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024
Uttar Pradesh

Girls Brawl Over Instagram Reel Comments, Police On Scene

Photo Credit : Twitter

It should go without saying that teens’ social media presence now greatly contributes to who they are. Serious distress can result from reading unfavorable remarks about them online. Recently, an incident from Noida has surfaced, demonstrating how teenagers are willing to use violence and pick fights over remarks made on an Instagram reel. Numerous social media accounts began sharing videos on Saturday that depict four girls fighting ferociously in a public setting. The four girls fight, pull each other’s hair, and even fall to the ground in groups of two.

They can hear others nearby discussing the continuing altercation, but nobody steps in to stop it. Even a police officer can be seen standing close to the girls, but he does nothing but watch the fight unfold. Videos of the girls fighting in public were posted on Saturday, and an X user criticized the police for not stepping in even though they were standing right next to the girls. “No one tried to break up the fight between these girls in the middle of the road, even though there were police present,” the X user wrote. How are the authorities currently acting?”

The girls in the video are from class 9 and class 10. Girls from both groups are sisters. They had been fighting over some comments on Instagram reels and decided to meet at Biodiversity Park, Sector-93 in Noida. Instead of hashing out the matter, their real-life confrontation turned into a physical fight.

The portal also stated that as people gathered to watch the girls fight, the fight stopped traffic. They can be seen fighting right on the side of the road in the videos. If they had wandered into oncoming traffic, they might have been involved in an accident. Who was at fault for starting the argument and how it was resolved are both unknown.

This video emphasizes the risks associated with children and teenagers misusing social media. Children should learn social media etiquette from their parents and teachers, as well as about cyberbullying and what to do if they feel harassed online.

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