In a terrifying incident on Tuesday (April 9), a pitbull dog attacked Altaf, a 15-year-old boy, in Ghaziabad’s Vaishali sector 3. The boy was seen fighting the pitbull for his life while it continued to attack him in the horrifying dog attack captured on camera. The boy has been referred to a hospital in Delhi for treatment due to his serious condition.
According to the CCTV footage, two boys were standing close to a house’s gate when a pitbull dog suddenly emerged, growling. As the dog lunged at one of the boys, Altaf, he lost his balance and fell. The boy attempted to defend himself against the pitbull, but it attacked him instead.
The boy was left to fight the pitbull alone after it attacked him viciously in the video, which is graphic to watch. The boy, however, never gives up and keeps battling the dog in an attempt to save himself. Horrifyingly, a man is spotted standing close to his home, not far from where the dog attacked the youngster. But the man did nothing to assist the boy; he just stood motionless rather than making an effort.
The boy manages to get back to his feet and tries to run away but the pitbull keeps attacking the boy. Even though some people did reach the place where incident took place, none dared to go near the boy fearing the pitbull. Finally, the boy manages to run inside a house and locked the gate after which the pitbull went away.
यूपी के गाजियाबाद में पिटबुल डॉग ने 15 साल के अल्ताफ पर हमला बोल दिया। अल्ताफ को कई जगह गंभीर चोटें आई हैं, दिल्ली GTB में इलाज चल रहा है। नगर निगम टीम ने पिटबुल को जब्त किया।
— Rahul Saini (@JtrahulSaini) April 9, 2024
The pitbull was owned by a family that had recently moved into the area and rented a room, according to reports from the area. The dog was taken away by the local government following the incident.
Experts and activists for animal rights believe that if a pittbull’s dog parent ignores them, the dog may become irrationally angry and attack a human. Furthermore, a lot depends on the space and conditions in which a dog is kept and raised. Experts advise dog parents and pet owners to ensure that their home is suitable for the breed of dog they have, something that many city dwellers neglect to do.
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