Agra : Around 40 students sustained injuries in an incident involving bees in the Bah area of Agra district, Uttar Pradesh, on Tuesday, as reported by officials. Six of the affected children required hospitalization.
According to reports, the attack was prompted by the sudden fall of a beehive from a nearby tree, catching the children by surprise.
Efforts by the school staff to evacuate the area were made swiftly, although numerous students and staff members suffered bee stings before the evacuation.
Parents of the injured students congregated outside the school premises, alleging negligence on the part of the administration in ensuring student safety. They claimed that despite the school’s awareness of the beehive near the school gate, no action was taken.
Meanwhile, the school’s principal, Manju Rani Tyagi, defended the administration, stating that the beehive was located outside the school premises, making the attack seem improbable. She mentioned that the injured students received prompt medical attention at the community health centre in Bah, and the school was temporarily closed.
Jitendra Verma, Superintendent of the Bah Community Health Centre, confirmed that six children arrived in critical condition and were referred to S.N. Medical College after receiving initial treatment.
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