Hyderabad – In a dramatic turn of events, the Telangana Police have backtracked on their initial closure report in the 2016 suicide case of Rohith Vemula, a PhD scholar at the University of Hyderabad. The report, filed earlier on Friday, claimed Vemula wasn’t Dalit and died fearing exposure of his “real caste.”
The report sparked outrage, with Vemula’s family rejecting its claims and asserting their Scheduled Caste status. Their objection prompted Telangana’s Director General of Police, Ravi Gupta, to announce a petition seeking permission for further investigation. Raja Vemula, Rohith’s brother, highlighted the unresolved question of their family’s SC status, which the Guntur district collector in Andhra Pradesh needs to clarify.
The initial report cleared all accused in the case, including former Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani, ex-VC Appa Rao, BJP MP Bandaru Dattatreya, and ABVP leaders, citing lack of evidence. The report attributed Vemula’s suicide to personal reasons.
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