Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai on Friday demanded a reelection in places where the names of a large number of voters were missing. He claimed that there were complaints from a large number of voters who said their names were missing from the voters’ list.
On Friday, voting took place for all 39 Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu and the state recorded 62.19 percent of voting.
Annamalai who is contesting from Coimbatore seat, voiced concerns about potential political interference, noting suspicions arising from the absence of numerous BJP cadres’ names from the voters’ list.
Polling commenced at 7 am on Friday, yet voters in Tamil Nadu began arriving at polling stations as early as 6:30 am. Around 6.30 crore eligible voters were in Tamil Nadu and voters sealed the fate of 950 candidates who were in fray.
A total of 190 companies of Central Armed Police Forces and 1.3 lakh police personnel were deployed for the polls. Additionally, 3,32,233 polling personnel were on election duty.