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Sunday, June 30 2024
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Infant Rescued After Falling from Fourth Floor in Chennai

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Photo Credit : Google

A heart-stopping incident unfolded in Avadi, Chennai, captured in a viral video, as residents witnessed a dramatic rescue of an eight-month-old infant, Harin Magi. The child had somehow found her way to the edge of a tin roof on the second floor before falling down two storeys, landing on a sun-shade.

The video showcases the frantic efforts of onlookers as they desperately try to save the infant. With horrified screams filling the air, three courageous men attempt to climb up from a first-floor window to reach the child. Meanwhile, a group of people holds a bedsheet open on the ground floor, ready to catch her if she falls. Beneath the bedsheet, a mattress is placed to ensure the safety of the infant upon landing.

As tension mounts, the infant inches closer to the edge, prompting louder cries for help. Finally, one brave individual manages to reach the child, carefully passing her to safety through the apartment window.

Avadi Police Commissioner Shankar confirmed the authenticity of the video, explaining that the incident occurred at VGN Stafford, a residential complex in Avadi, while the child’s mother, Ramya, was nursing her on the balcony.

“This occurred while the mother was nursing her. The video and the subsequent rescue are genuine. We haven’t received any formal complaint, and thankfully, the child is doing well,” Shankar stated, providing reassurance amid the harrowing ordeal.

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