Violence incidents occurred on Friday, April 19, during the first phase of Lok Sabha elections in the inner Manipur constituency, impacting the electoral process. Three people have been reported dead after miscreants opened fire at a polling place in Thamanpokpi, under the Moirang Assembly segment. Strict security measures were promptly reinforced in the area in the wake of these incidents.
Furthermore, according to Times Now, there was vandalism at a polling place in the Imphal East district under the Thongju Assembly seat, where Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) were allegedly destroyed in Bhamon Kampu. According to sources, the miscreants specifically demanded that only BJP agents be present inside the polling place. Online videos surfaced of police officers bolstering security at the impacted polling place.
The disturbing visuals during the election process in #Manipur Valley raises concern,
There is also reportedly some individuals claiming their votes were already cast before they even arrived at the polling station.
⚠️Where law and order?
⚠️where is the free and fair elections?— BhaiPal (@RayiCis) April 19, 2024
By 11 am on Friday, approximately 28.19 per cent of the total 15.44 lakh voters had exercised their franchise for the two Lok Sabha seats in Manipur. The Inner Manipur constituency recorded a polling rate of 29.40 per cent, while the turnout in Outer Manipur was 26.02 per cent within the first four hours of voting. Polling continued for the Inner Manipur and parts of Outer Manipur seats amid tight security arrangements, reported by PTI. While overall polling progressed, stray incidents of unrest were reported from a few locations, as confirmed by a police officer. An altercation also occurred between locals and unidentified miscreants in the Thongju assembly constituency under the Inner Manipur Lok Sabha seat.
Strong security measures were in place for the Lok Sabha elections in Inner Manipur and some areas of Outer Manipur. Voting opened at 7 am at 2,107 polling places. According to PTI, more than 15.44 lakh voters cast ballots in the first round of the election, including 8,02,577 women and 246 transgender voters. There are 32 assembly segments in Inner Manipur and 15 in Outer Manipur. 18,091 internally displaced persons cast ballots at 85 special polling places in total. In advance of the elections, 8,000 poll workers were sent out, and security measures were stepped up all over the state.
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