Mumbai’s upscale restaurant, ‘One8 Commune,’ owned by cricketer Virat Kohli, is under scrutiny after a Tamil Nadu man was refused entry due to his traditional attire. The incident unfolded when the man, adorned in a white shirt and veshti (traditional lower body wrap), stood outside the restaurant, expressing his dismay at being denied access based on his clothing.
The disappointed individual took to social media, particularly X, sharing a video that quickly garnered a million views. In the clip, he conveyed his hurt feelings, emphasizing that he was wearing a dignified Tamil cultural attire. He expressed his willingness to comply if the rejection was based on casual attire but highlighted that the incident felt like an insult to Tamils and their culture.
The controversy has sparked discussions about dress codes in upscale establishments and the need for sensitivity to cultural diversity. As the video gains traction, it brings attention to the importance of inclusivity and respect for various cultural expressions in public spaces.
Person with Veshti was not allowed in @imVkohli ‘s Restaurant
Very nice da👌
— உன்னைப்போல் ஒருவன் (@Sandy_Offfl) December 2, 2023