News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Cricket Ball Hits Genitals: 11 Year Old Dies

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Photo Credit : Google

Last week in Pune, Maharashtra, an 11-year-old child passed away when a cricket ball struck his genitalia. The incident happened in the Lohegaon neighborhood.

The victim, Shambhu Kalidas Khandve, also known as Shaurya, was taking advantage of his classmates’ summer break from school by playing cricket. But when a regular play took a disastrous turn, what had begun as a harmless pleasure became a nightmare. A strong blow from the batter sent the ball flying towards Shaurya while he was bowling, striking him squarely in the private area.

The punch was sudden and powerful, sending Shaurya sprawling to the ground in pain. His companions tried to revive him as they hurried to his aid, appalled and shocked by what had happened. Shaurya remained unresponsive despite their best attempts, until passersby stepped in and took him to a nearby hospital.

Shaurya, 11, was proclaimed dead shortly after arriving at the hospital because it was unable to save him. The Airport Police Station has opened an accidental death case.

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