Mumbai: One of the individuals involved in the shooting incident outside actor Salman Khan’s residence, Anuj Thapan, was found dead by suicide in police custody on Wednesday, as per sources from Mumbai Police reported by a news channel. An accidental death report has been filed at the Azad Maidan police station in south Mumbai.
The 23-year-old suspect allegedly hanged himself using a bedsheet inside the lock-up’s toilet. Despite being rushed to GT Hospital, he was pronounced dead during treatment.
Thapan, along with Sonu Kumar Bishnoi, was apprehended in Punjab for allegedly supplying weapons to shooters Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta, who had already been arrested by the police.
Authorities will probe the circumstances leading to Thapan’s drastic action.
Meanwhile, the other two suspects, Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, who purportedly carried out the gunfire outside Salman’s residence, remain in police custody. They were detained after being captured on CCTV fleeing the scene on a motorcycle the night of the incident.