News Karnataka
Thursday, September 19 2024

Kerala’s Farmers Reel Under Severe Heatwave and Water Scarcity

New Project 2024 04 15t174518.998
Photo Credit : File photo

The scorching sun beating down relentlessly has become the new norm in Kerala, transforming once lush green spaces into weary shades of brown. The unprecedented rise in temperatures poses a grave threat to farmers across the state, jeopardizing agricultural practices and livelihoods.

In the high ranges of Idukki and Wayanad, known for cardamom and coffee cultivation respectively, the relentless heat has wreaked havoc on crops, shattering farmers’ dreams. Cardamom farmers, like Fedin Mathew from Idukki, lament the adverse impact on their crops, citing disrupted flowering patterns and dwindling yields due to the soaring temperatures. A staggering 70 percent of cardamom plantations in the district are reportedly affected, with 90 percent of crops damaged.

Similarly, coffee growers in Wayanad, including Paul Mathews, face a grim reality as their crops wither under the unforgiving sun. With water bodies drying up and the much-needed second rain yet to arrive, the possibility of crop loss looms large. The acute shortage of water exacerbates the challenges faced by farmers, pushing some to the brink of despair.

The dire situation extends beyond crop cultivation to dairy and poultry farming, where rising temperatures pose significant threats. Dairy cows struggle with heat stress, leading to reduced milk yields and increased vulnerability to diseases. Poultry farmers, meanwhile, grapple with high mortality rates among chicks due to the scorching heat.

As water levels plummet and irrigation channels run dry, paddy cultivation is also adversely affected across the state. Farmers struggle to meet the water demands of their crops, with traditional irrigation systems proving insufficient in the face of evaporating water sources.

Given the severity of the situation, there are calls for the state to declare a drought and implement compensation schemes for affected farmers. Alex Ozhukayil, chairman of the Kerala Independent Farmers’ Association, emphasizes the urgent need for government intervention to alleviate the plight of farmers.

While the state authorities assess crop damage and contemplate necessary measures, farmers continue to grapple with the harsh realities of the ongoing heatwave and water scarcity, underscoring the urgent need for sustainable solutions to safeguard Kerala’s agricultural sector.

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