Kerala: A tragic incident unfolded at Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in Kochi, Kerala, where at least four students lost their lives and over 60 sustained injuries in a stampede during a music concert by Nikhita Gandhi. The unfortunate event occurred in the open-air auditorium on the campus, casting a shadow over what was supposed to be a joyful occasion.
Casualty and Injury Update
Health Minister Veena George confirmed the unfortunate incident, stating that four students, two male and two female, have lost their lives in the stampede. Over 60 students have been reported injured, with some undergoing treatment at Kalamassery Medical College, and others receiving medical attention in private hospitals.
Concert Details and Delay
The music concert by Nikhita Gandhi, scheduled for 6 pm, was delayed by half an hour. The open auditorium, where the event took place, was filled to capacity when the concert finally commenced. Heavy rain further complicated the situation, prompting the crowd to rush for shelter and resulting in the tragic stampede.
Response and Treatment
Health Minister Veena George mentioned that students are currently receiving treatment at Kalamassery Medical College, and there are reports of others seeking medical attention in private hospitals. The situation remains critical, with ongoing efforts to provide medical care and support to those affected.
Official Statement from Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellor Dr. Sankaran addressed the incident, explaining that the musical program was part of a tech fest organized by the university. He cited the large crowd and rain as contributing factors, leading to difficulties on the steps and some students falling. Dr. Sankaran indicated that the exact number of injuries would be confirmed later, noting that more than 2,000 people attended, and two students are in critical condition.
The tragic stampede at CUSAT has left the campus community in shock and grief. As investigations into the incident unfold, the focus remains on providing necessary medical care to the injured and offering support to the affected students and their families. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of safety measures during large gatherings, especially in adverse weather conditions.