News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Tourist Gang-Rape: Survivor Receives 10 Lakh Compensation

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A ₹ 10 lakh compensation has been given by Jharkhand Police to the husband of a Spanish woman who was reportedly sexually assaulted by a gang on Friday in Dumka.
The Spanish woman was gang-raped, according to the police, while traveling from West Bengal to Nepal within the borders of the Hansdiha police station.

“We conducted a prompt investigation, and on behalf of the district administration, we are offering the rape survivor and husband all possible assistance.” We have granted them ₹ 10 lakh under the victim compensation system. The accused will be given a swift trial and conviction, we hope,” Deputy Commissioner Anjaneyulu Dodde declared on Monday.

The woman and her husband were on a bike tour across India and the incident reportedly happened when they were resting inside a tent in a deserted area in Kurmahat village.

The husband of the rape survivor thanked the police for the very “fast investigation”.

According to the police, seven people are involved in the case and three have been arrested.

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