News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

PM Modi Urges Swift Action on India-China Border

Pm Modi
Photo Credit : AVIF File

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the urgency of addressing the ongoing tensions along the India-China border, stressing the importance of rectifying the current state of bilateral relations. He highlighted the significant role that a stable relationship between India and China plays on a global scale during an interview with Newsweek magazine.

“In order to move past the current abnormalities in our interactions, it is imperative that we address the prolonged situation on our borders,” stated the Prime Minister, underlining the necessity for prompt action.

Expressing optimism, Modi expressed his hope that both nations could achieve peace through constructive engagement, emphasizing the broader implications of stable relations for the region and the world.

The Prime Minister also touched upon the strained India-Pakistan relations, acknowledging Pakistan’s Prime Minister and reiterating India’s commitment to fostering peace and security in the region. However, he refrained from commenting on the internal affairs of Pakistan, including the imprisonment of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

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